Ordering Information
If you wish to place an order please use the checkout cart by clicking on Add to Cart next to the item you wish to purchase.
You have the option to save an account to ease future purchases. We do not save your payment information. Any saved account information is stored in our secured system. After creating a profile you may still exit the system without ordering if you choose.
If you would like to see an estimated total of your order with shipping prior to check out, use the shipping estimator in the lower left corner of each screen after you have added items to your cart.
Transactions will appear on your billing statement as from ONLINE TRANSACTION PROCESSING, LLC.
NOTES ON SHIPPING FOR LARGE ORDERS: For pallet quantity orders or special shipping circumstances, please contact us.
If you have questions please email us at [email protected] or call us toll-free at 866-496-4983 and we will be happy to assist you.
For information about our shipping and returns policy click here.
To read our legal disclosure and terms of use click here.